Saturday, January 12, 2019

Having one or both kidneys removed

If your kidneys begin to fail, your treatment team probably won’t recommend removing them unless they’re causing serious problems. (You can receive a kidney transplant without your own kidneys being disconnected and removed.) Even if your damaged kidneys are no longer filtering waste from your body effectively, they might still be removing excess fluid from your body, and so they can still be useful. Also, having one or both kidneys removed (known as nephrectomy) is a major operation. Like all major operations it has some risks – such as bleeding or getting an infection – and so should only be done when necessary.

However, if your damaged kidneys are causing you a lot of pain and other treatments are not helping, your surgeon may recommend removing them. The pain could be caused by repeated infections or cyst bleeding for example.

Another reason for nephrectomy is if you’re due to have a kidney transplant but your own kidneys are very large and there would not be sufficient room for your new donor kidney. In this instance, one of your own kidneys can be removed to create space.

Nephrectomy is a major operation, so be sure that your surgeon explains the risks and benefits to you. Risks can include:

problems with the heart or circulation
injury to other organs, such as bowel, spleen or liver
the wound reopening
These might require further treatment or surgery. However, your surgeon will perform the operation extremely carefully to minimise any risk to you.

Your surgeon will talk you through the technique they’ll use to remove your kidney (or kidneys) beforehand. They might need to make a large cut to get to your kidney, but sometimes keyhole surgery (laparoscopy) can be used, which involves a few small cuts being made. Laparoscopy has the advantages of usually being less painful, having a swifter recovery (and so shorter hospital stay) and having less scarring. If your kidneys are very large though, your surgeon will need to make a larger cut to remove them.

If you’re having a kidney removed to make room for a kidney transplant, you’ll probably be ready to have the transplant within 6 to 8 weeks.

A downside of having your kidneys removed is that, unless you have a transplant, you’ll have to be very careful to limit the amount of fluid you drink. This could affect your quality of life.

Thank you for reading....


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